Hidden Photos Cinema Documentary

34TFF Torino Film Festival

Belfast Film Festival best documentary

Finalist Festival internazionale del cinema documentario

Bellaria Film festival

Durban international Film Festival

Filmes do Homem 2017

This human world award winner 2016

Dok.Fest Munich 2017

36 Festival international Jean Rauchh

A documentary film by
Davide Grotta, Regie
Alexander Fontana, DOP – Camera Operator
Gabriele Borghi, Editing
Production Zelig Film School

Belfast Filmfestival,
“The jury unanimously agreed that this should be the winning film. They felt that this brave, mature film had a humanity to it that was deeply affecting, being able to describe past and present Cambodia, as well as the larger human world. The film was able to take complex issues of history and genocide, and relate them cleverly to smaller and more personal details.”
The Maysles’ Brothers Competition, named in honour of legendary documentary filmmakers Albert and David Maysles, was won by Hidden Photos.

This Human World Festival,
“In an unagitated, multilayered and balanced audiovisual concept the film avoids any tendency or judgemental observation. Through a step-by-step disclosure of its narrative structures it makes a reference to the impossibility of completing a writing of history – and so faces pictorial politics with the image of art.”
Jury members: Selma Doborac, Jana Koch, Dominik Tschütscher,
up&coming award, was won by Hidden Photos.

Kim Hak, young Cambodian photographer, looks for a new imaginary of his country. Nhem En, old photographer of the Khmer Rouge regime, is planning his entry in the business of dark tourism. What image to choose to represent our history, our country?
Forty years after the Khmer Rouge regime:
Kim Hak, a young and talented Cambodian photographer looks for a new imaginary of his country.
His career starts from some family pictures his mother hid underground before the war and retrieved just after the defeat of the Khmer Rouge.
Hak’s images will take us to a new Cambodia, far from stereotypes.
Nhem En, as photographer enrolled in the Khmer Rouge regime, took more than 14.000 mugshots of the Tuol Sleng prison victims.
He’s trying to establish himself as entrepreneur of the socalled dark tourism.
One of his ideas on how to profit from the thousands of genocide pictures will bitterly surprise us.
Every day, a cleaner and an audio guide clean up Cambodian history in the only wax sculptures museum of the country.
Which image to choose to represent our own country?
But, above all, what to do with it?
Country of production:Italy/Cambodia
Original Format:FullHD, Color,Stereo
Screening Format:DVD
Aspect ratio: 1:1.85
Running time: 68’13”
Subtitles available: German / Italian / English